Why The Name ?

                              WHY THE NAME  “ FRIENDS OF POLICE “ ?


Since the late 1960s, attempts to change the police have been a blend of suggestions that emerged during the Reform Era and those that are part of what the authors call the Service Model.  The Reform Era produced reforms that critics considered to be too bureaucratic and confrontational, a relationship that was made worse by police isolation from the community. In effect, citizen concerns were subordinated to the desire to professionalize police. Since this situation was not satisfactory and  crimes were escalating,  new solutions were sought to bring normalcy in the crime scenario. Starting of the Friends of Police Movement was a case in point.

  • Friendship, is mutually cooperative and supportive      behaviour between two or more people in the sense that the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and      respect along with rendering service to  community in general and individuals in particular in times of need or crisis.

  • The FOP concept is derived from the philosophy of      friendship that human   relationships have a value of their own and operate on a quid pro quo basis. Benefits derived by both sides are incidental. The Movement binds the police and the public in a symbiotic relationship that draws strength from mutual warmth and good will. It  is an attempt to  make the police, people-friendly and the people, police-friendly.

  • Community policing aims at bringing about partnership between the police and the public while the FOP  Movement tries to bring about an identification of the public with the police.

  • The type of friendship involving the police and the public , to say the least, is non-personal. It indicates an affinity or mutuality of purpose between two parties, representing  communities in general. FOP also employs Social Psychology which is a type of Social Science that is concerned with individual thoughts, feelings and behaviour as they affect or are affected by other individuals.

  • The FOP Movement was started in 1993 by Dr. Prateep V. Philip while he was the SP, Ramanathapuram. The reason for starting the movement there at that time was need-based – to contain frequent communal clashes there. A survey of constables from all police stations in Ramanathapuram revealed that many of them thought that the very nature of their job denied them new friendship and also cost old friends. Psychological studies reveal that prolonged deprivation of the warmth of human relations gives rise to dehumanizing tendencies and aberrant behaviour .Every friendly human contact, it was found,  has a therapeutic and humanizing effect.

  • FOP has demonstrated that Community Policing is based on the notion that police cannot protect the public by their own unaided efforts.  Support from the public is an  absolute must.

  • Conclusion:

Fear is a matter of reality and police has to reduce it. Maintenance of law and order is the raison d’etre for which police force was conceived and it continues to be its important mandate. Perhaps, our worst crime is ignorance about crime. Our easy satisfaction with headlines and the accounts of lurid cases and our smug satisfaction that it is all a matter of some tough  bad guys
whom the tough good guys will soon capture will no longer be tenable. The most important item in the Community Policing agenda is Human Rights literacy programme to educate people on the need to be aware of their fundamental rights. The need is rather crucial in the sense that offering rights to an illiterate person who has no means of appreciating their value is like offering a piece of sugar cane to some one who has no teeth !



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